Tuesday, February 28, 2012

On Being Robbed at Gunpoint

You don’t think all that clearly when you’ve had a gun shoved in your temple, or at least I didn’t.  One moment I was walking down the street in a group of about eight people and the next I had my back against the wall with a gun to my head.  The muggers took everything except my keys: 200 Bolivianos (about $30), my cheap cell phone, and my wallet.  Fortunately, the only thing in my wallet was a copy of my passport: no IDs or credit cards. 
            Ultimately, everyone was okay and no one in the group lost anything important, only cash and small items.  I don’t agree with their method of obtaining it, but I’m sure they needed the money more than I do.  This event just serves as a reminder that you can never let your guard down even if you’re in a well-lit area in a sizeable group because none of that matters when the muggers have guns and you don’t. 

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