Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Spanglish in Italy: En route to South America

“Aqui, Aqui” I shouted to my teammate, a local Italian about my age who gave me a brisk pass just a step out of my reach.  The tattered soccer ball flew past me and slammed into a door on the edge of the square.  I ran over to retrieve the ball but instead spent the next 5 minutes cowering in fear as a large Italian woman lectured me in Italian.  Although I didn’t understand a word she said, I definitely got the message: she was not happy that our game had extended to her doorstep. 
            I was in middle school and my family was spending the week in an apartment in Venice and I had joined a pick up game of “futbol” in the square outside the apartment.  Although I didn’t speak a word of Italian and they didn’t speak a word of English we managed to communicate with simple Spanish words and grunts; more of the latter.  It was this experience that inspired me to learn a new language and this goal was a major influence in me deciding to study abroad.
            I am writing this from the Miami International Airport; two and a half hours from my flight to Guayaquil, Ecuador.  I am traveling with my mom for 3 weeks before the Amizade program begins in Cochabamba, Bolivia.  We will spend a week in the Galapagos Islands, then a week in Peru hiking the Inca trail from Cusco to Machu Pichu.  We will then fly to Puno where we will see Lake Titicaca: the highest navigable lake in the world, on the border between Peru and Bolivia.  I will then travel by bus to La Paz and by air to Cochabamba where I will spend the semester! Check back for updates and photos!

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